What To Expect

First Visit
When you arrive at Health by Hands Wellness Center you’ll fill out any additional paperwork including general information about your condition. Then you’ll meet with Dr. Kathi to discuss your history, review your x-rays if you have them with you and then do an examination. If you don’t have x-rays with you, then your specific condition may require a set of x-rays are taken. After your exam and/or x-rays, Dr. Kathi may treat you depending on the findings. She’ll send you home with instructions on next steps, and help you schedule your next appointment.
Subsequent Visits
Dr. Kathi has you come in three times to go through treatments. The treatment for each visit depends on your current conditions. To watch what happens at each visit watch the videos below.
Day 1: What to Expect
Day 2: What to Expect
Day 3: What to Expect
Plan on an hour or more for each visit dependent upon your condition and what treatments Dr. Kathi will utilize to correct your condition.
Time Allotment
It is your responsibility to observe the length of time your consultation is taking. Although Dr Kathi is glad to answer your questions as your consultation proceeds, it naturally extends the length of your consultation time. If you do not wish to go beyond a certain time limit, please inform the doctor before your consultation begins.
Due to the busy nature of our office, occasionally there may be interruptions during your consultation time. If this happens, the number of minutes of the interruption will be deducted from your total time. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Follow-Up Questions
After your consultation, if you have a brief question about your program, you may email to our office at HBH@drkathi.net or fax it to (817) 951-1252. If you use fax, please write or print clearly’ in dark ink and include your full name, your brief question, the date and your fax number if appropriate. Address the email or fax to Dr Kathi and a member of our staff will then email or fax back a brief answer. We will reply back to you within 24 hours. If you faxed your question in, the fax return will be attempted only twice, so be sure your fax is hooked up and has sufficient paper. There is no charge for this brief question-answer procedure. If you have more than a brief question, please see “Telephone Consultations”.
Telephone Consultations
If you have many’ questions and/or would like to speak personally with Dr Kathi, please call to schedule a 15-minute consultation time (or longer). Dr Kathi will then answer your questions during the scheduled consultation time. Consultation fees are calculated at $20 per 15 minutes.
I have read this informed consent and understand it. I am not a minor (under the age of 18). Additionally, I am here on this day and any subsequent visit, solely on my own behalf and not as an agent for federal, state, or local agencies on a mission of entrapment or investigation
By Appointment
By Appointment
By Appointment
By Appointment
By Appointment
By Appointment
By Appointment
Health By Hands Wellness Center
12619 FM917 Suite A
Alvarado, TX 76009
(817) 930-0600