Meeting Local Legislators at Our State Capitol in Austin
Meeting Local Legislators at Our State Capitol in Austin
I traveled to Austin to the Capitol on Thursday, February 9, for the Texas Chiropractic Association (TCA)-sponsored meetings for Legislator Day to participate on a group who met with a Texas House of Representative and Senator about the court filing and subsequent judgement awarded to the Texas Medical Association (TMA) against the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners.
Traveling from Alvarado to represent Health by Hands Wellness Center were (L to R) Katie, Kathi and Verna.
Our group--which included myself, Dr. Steve Sanders-President of TCA's District 4 (which is the area that Alvarado is associated with), my office manager Katie, my “patient advocate”Verna Mueller and three students from Parker University--met with Representative Graig Goldman and Senator Konni Burton both from Fort Worth.
We discussed the court filing and subsequent judgement awarded to the TMA against the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners which would limit the scope of practice for chiropractors in the State of Texas. Essentially, it would limit the chiropractors to being relegated to the same status as Physical Therapists—meaning that patients would no longer be able to seek out chiropractic care without going to their primary care medical doctor who MIGHT give them a referral to a chiropractor—but would limit areas that could be treated and the number of visits that could be received. There is currently an appeal process in the works.
Additionally, the Sunset Commission--which is an advisory council for professional licensing organizations--recommended that the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners insert the word “diagnosis” into their scope of practice wording. If passed, this will enable the chiropractors to be able to continue business and diagnose just as it has been since 1949. This also would allow patients and chiropractors to continue to file for insurance reimbursement as covered by the policy holder's insurance benefits/coverage.
Neither Representative Goldman, Senator Burton nor their chief aides were surprised by the fact that the TMA was attacking the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners. However, they had absolutely no knowledge of the case that had been filed through the court judicial system or even that a judge had signed an order in favor of the Texas Medical Association to limit the scope of practice for the chiropractors!
We were able to update them on the current situation, and educate them as to the potential devastating effects of this legal ruling if it is not overturned by the passing of the recommendations of the Sunset Commission. Both Representative Goldman and Senator Burton have requested that we keep them apprised of the filing for appeal and the timing when the vote for the recommendations of the Sunset Commission is up for a vote in the House and the Senate.
It is IMPERATIVE that you contact your local Texas Representatives and Senators, inform them of the situation and recommend that they vote in favor of the Sunset Commission’s recommendations to insert the word “diagnose” into the Chiropractors description of “Scope of Practice”.
Contact your legislators—by phone and by letter—and tell them that it is vitally important to keep “Your Right to Choose Your Healthcare Provider”…and if you have an issue that has been helped by chiropractic treatment, please share!! You can locate your local Representative and Sentor by filling in the information in an online form you can access by clicking here.
Infinite Love and Gratitude to All of You!!!
Dr. Kathi