Lifeline / NET
Favorite Techniques
One of Dr. Kathi’s favorite things to talk about is the relationship between how to think—and what your subconsicious thinks about—as it impacts your overall health. As part of her unique blend of techniques, she uses the LifeLine and Neuro Emotional Techniques which helps you to understand the relationship between how--and what--you think impacts your overall health, these are just a few of many techniques used at Health By Hands Wellness Center Center.
While the Sacral Occiptal Technique (SOT )
Takes care of your physical structure, the LifeLine Technique helps you to understand how the GAP between your Sub-Conscious and your Body might be affecting your ability to heal.
About 20 years ago
Dr. Kathi first studied and became proficient in the Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) which is a psycho-emotional therapy based on the physiological foundations of stress-related responses. the goal of Neuro Emotional Technique is to correct the neuro emotional complex (NEC) – imprinted emotional information affecting physiological function and to determine when this pattern was first established and stored in your body.
In 2007
Dr. Kathi became a certified Lifeline practitioner, and is one of only five certified practitioners in Texas. The technique uses kinesiology, plus the five-element theory of Chinese medicine and how the interaction of all of the elements has to be in balance and flowing properly so the body can function—in addition to many other healing modalities.
When using the LifeLine technique
You will discover holding patterns in the subconscious mind. About 90 to 98% of everything that has ever happened to us is stored in the subconscious mind, protecting us from those issues and experiences that have been "scary, challenging or stressful".
LifeLine combines parts of 14 different techniques
All embedded and which include kinesiology, plus the five-element theory of Chinese medicine and how the interaction of all of the elements has to be in balance and flowing properly so the body can function. It also includes some Neuro Linguistics Programming (NLP) and eye movement release techniques (EMDR). The premise behind that is that sometimes when different things happen to you that your eyes were in a certain position at the time that event happened. Whenever your eyes go into that position that it may trigger some of those neuro responses that you had and bring back that event.
LifeLine is AMAZING!!!
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Health By Hands Wellness Center
12619 FM917 Suite A
Alvarado, TX 76009
(817) 930-0600