Be Strong 4 Life Texas
BStrong4Life Texas workout session begins with Power Plate training, which utilizes whole-body vibration (WBV) to activate up to 138% more muscle fibers, far superior to traditional workouts. The vibrations improve muscle strength and integrity while delivering nutrients and oxygen to cells and supporting their functioning. Multiple studies have shown that WBV also increases skin blood flow, which can decrease the appearance of cellulite. Simply placing your body on a Power Plate for 5 minutes can immediately help improve circulation.

Holly Talbot, Trainer
Power Plate training for athletes is used by 94% of professional football teams and other world-class elite sports performance training.
Power Plate vibrates the whole body targeting each cell, at 40 times per second. These safe and effective vibrations help athletes stimulate more muscle activity, increase muscle strength, improve blood flow, and improve flexibility.
Athletes rely on Power Plate to give them an edge in training so they can show up stronger and more agile on game day.

Power Plate Golf Stroke Training
BStrong4Life Texas utilizes the reACT Trainer, providing safe and effective eccentric training for athletes of all ages and abilities. Benefits for athletes:
- Low Impact Exercise – reACT forces leg muscles to absorb force eccentrically but without impact.
- Progressive Training– reACT makes it easy to match any participant’s level of conditioning and coordination.
- Strength Building– reACT delivers rapid improvements in strength, power, and muscular endurance because the body quickly responds to eccentric conditioning.
- Rehabilitation– The low-impact approach makes reACT a safe and effective method for building strength while preventing injuries. It supports the rehabilitation of many injuries including ACL tears and lower body tendonitis.
- Enhanced Balance– Functional eccentric training improves dynamic balance, core activation, and sports performance.
- Senior Athletes – reACT rapidly improves seniors’ balance, stability, and strength while lowering their risk of falling. Aging athletes rapidly respond to reACT with much faster and larger increases in strength and muscle size compared to other forms of exercise.
- Move Beyond Free Weights: reACT offers athletes a type of motion that can be practiced in a short period, which is difficult to capture with free weights – especially for someone who has not mastered this kind of training.

Susan Stone, Trainer
BStrong4Life Texas employs the bioDensity™ machine.
bioDensity training consists of four simple yet comprehensive isometric exercises (chest press, leg press, core pull, and vertical lift). The user creates a maximum isometric load. This differs from traditional exercise that affects primarily the sarcoplasm. The bioDensity workout targets primarily the myofibril (muscle “cables” within the sarcoplasm) development and safe articular-skeletal loading.
The equipment precisely measures tabulates and records user force output 30x sec. via patented load cell/software interface throughout each session. All physical efforts are recorded, compared, and contrasted over time. Each user receives a Performance Report after each training session.

bioDensity Vertical Lift
Myofibrils often referred to as “skeletal” muscles or “cable” muscles, are the contractile components of your muscles, which give them strength. Myofibrils have proteins that slide past each other each time your muscles contract. Harder and more intense contractions effectively damage the myofibrils by breaking down more proteins. Your muscles adapt by repairing the damage and packing more protein into the myofibrils, strengthening your muscles. That is why bioDensity is performed just once a week. Therefore, you can benefit from controlling the damage and performing exercises that only produce repairable damage.
"I am 90 years old and give nothing but praise for Be Strong for Life! I could not stand alone without holding on to something. But now, the simple task of walking is steadier and I can stand in the shower. I can also stand alone and turn on our floor lamp!"
- Genetty Childers
As we age, our bone density diminishes. The results are numerous of weak bones. Many of us end up with “stooped shoulders”, or poor posture. Or you’re diagnosed with osteoporosis. Bones become weaker, making us more prone to bone breaks and other injuries. You cannot move as easily or quickly as they did when younger, and stronger boned. But there is a way to improve balance, coordination, and stability regardless of your age or conditioning level. Contact our Alvarado TX chiropractic clinic today to learn more.
BStrong4Life® (Be Strong for Life) is the only program available that will reverse the aging of your structure by strengthening the entire musculoskeletal system. Used just once a week, Be Strong for Life will strengthen your muscles, bones, and spine!
The good news is that this approach to treatment for bone density loss and osteoporosis, also produces many other desired health benefits including a rush of positive energy, a sense of well being, and increased mental alertness and focus. Listen to one of our long-time patients share the rehab and conditioning results he had while using Be Strong for Life. Visit Health By Hands Wellness Center for more information.
How Be Strong for Life Works In Alvarado TX
Research indicates that weight bearing exercise, particularly resistance exercise, is the best method of regenerating bone density. Until now, power lifting (high intensity exercise or heavy weight lifting) has been one of the few exercises that can place a demand on muscle tissue that is high enough to stimulate bone growth.
As we age, weight lifting has many drawbacks, due to the strain it places on joints and tendons. While there is a benefit, the risk of injury is high. The ultimate combination is the Be Strong for Life system which provides the greatest benefit with the least amount of risk.
Sports Training
Be Strong for Life isn’t just for aging people! Athletes also use Be Strong 4 Life as it takes less time which allows them to focus on their other training, their risk of injury while exercising is reduced, and they can get into shape a lot quicker!
One of our star patients is Reggie Garner who competes in the World Masters Track and Hurdle trials in the 400-meter hurdles. Let Reggie share his story with you in the short below.
To learn more about Be Strong for Life or schedule an appointment, call (817) 930-0600.
We want you to be healthy… and Be Strong for Life!
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Health By Hands Wellness Center
12619 FM917 Suite A
Alvarado, TX 76009
(817) 930-0600